Game Of Thrones Season 08 Episode 05
The much-awaited episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, Episode 05, titled “The Bells,” aired on 13th May 2019. The entire world tuned in to witness the epic battle for the Iron Throne unfold. The episode is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and has left fans divided. Let's dive in and talk about the details.
The Build-up
The episode begins with the aftermath of the Battle of Winterfell, which was fought against the Night King and his army of the dead. Daenerys Targaryen is seen mourning the loss of her trusted advisor Jorah Mormont and the death of Missandei, another one of her closest friends. She has lost faith in most of her loyal supporters, including Jon Snow, who she sees as a threat to her claim to the throne.
Tyrion Lannister and Varys both express their concerns to each other about Daenerys' mental state and her ability to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Varys suggests that they should consider Jon as the rightful heir to the throne as he is the trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Tyrion insists that they should remain loyal to Daenerys as she is the chosen queen.
The Battle for King's Landing
Daenerys decides to take matters into her own hands and attacks King's Landing, turning her dragon Drogon into a weapon of mass destruction. She burns down the Iron Fleet, the Golden Company, and the city walls, killing countless innocent civilians in the process.
What follows is a gruesome battle between the Unsullied and the Lannister army, which results in the death of Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, and Euron Greyjoy. The Hound and The Mountain engage in an intense fight to the death, which ends with them both falling into a pit of fire.
The Aftermath
The episode ends with Arya Stark, who had managed to survive the destruction of King’s Landing, leaving on a white horse. Daenerys Targaryen, who stands victorious, gives a speech declaring her intentions to rule the Seven Kingdoms and to continue “liberating” people who are oppressed, even if it means burning more cities and killing more innocent people.
Jon Snow, who is shocked by the destruction and death caused by Daenerys, is conflicted about his allegiance to her. Tyrion, who has lost faith in Daenerys, attempts to persuade Jon to save the Seven Kingdoms from her and take his rightful place on the Iron Throne. The episode ends with Jon Snow visiting Daenerys Targaryen in her throne room and stabbing her to death, putting an end to her tyrannical reign.
The Verdict
Episode 05 of Game of Thrones Season 08 is a mixed bag of emotions for fans all over the world. While some appreciated the twists and turns, others criticized the show for ruining their favorite characters’ arcs. One thing is for sure – it has been a wild ride that we will never forget.
Meta Description:
Read about the details of Game Of Thrones Season 08 Episode 05, "The Bells". Unveil the build-up, the battle for King's Landing, the aftermath, and the verdict.
Meta Keywords:
Game Of Thrones, Season 08 Episode 05, The Bells, build-up, battle for King's Landing, aftermath, verdict, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, The Hound, The Mountain, Lannister army, Unsullied, Euron Greyjoy, Iron Fleet, Golden Company, Seven Kingdoms.