7 Wonders Board Game How To Play
Board games have been popular for centuries, and they are still one of the best ways to spend quality time with family and friends. If you are looking for a new board game to play, we recommend checking out the 7 Wonders game. In this article, we will give a comprehensive guide on how to play 7 Wonders board game in Indonesia.
What Is 7 Wonders Board Game?
7 Wonders board game is a game of strategy, where players compete to build the most magnificent civilization in the ancient world. The game is set in the time of the great pyramids in Egypt, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The game is fun to play with two to seven players, and it takes about 30-45 minutes to complete.
How To Set Up 7 Wonders Board Game?
Setting up the 7 Wonders board game is easy. Here are the steps to follow:
- Unbox the game and read the rulebook carefully.
- Arrange the game board in the middle of the table.
- Give each player three coins and a Wonder board of their choice.
- Shuffle the Age I cards and deal seven to each player.
- Shuffle the Age II and III cards and place them beside the game board.
- Place the Guild cards beside the Age III cards.
- Start playing!
How To Play 7 Wonders Board Game?
7 Wonders board game is easy to learn and play. Here are the steps to follow:
- Each player chooses a card from their hand and places it face down.
- Once all players have placed their card, they reveal it simultaneously.
- Players then follow the action listed on the card they played, such as building a structure, gaining coins, or trading resources.
- Players repeat the process until the end of the Age, then score their points for the Age.
- Players then repeat the process for Age II and Age III, with each Age having different cards and scoring systems.
- After the end of Age III, players count their total points, including points from their Wonder board and Guild cards. The player with the most points wins!
7 Wonders board game is an exciting and engaging game that can provide hours of fun for family and friends. Whether you are a seasoned board game veteran or new to the hobby, 7 Wonders board game will challenge your strategic thinking and keep you entertained for hours. We hope this guide has been helpful in learning how to play 7 Wonders board game in Indonesia.