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Game Of Thrones Family Tree Season 7


Game Of Thrones Season 7 Family Tree

Game of Thrones (GoT) is a TV series that needs no introduction. With an immense fan following, its popularity has only increased since its inception. The series is known for its complex plotlines and intricate family relationships. The show's popularity has made it an internet sensation, with fans from all over the world discussing every aspect of the show.

Season 7 of GoT is no different, with a lot of family relationships being explored in greater detail. In this article, we will take a closer look at the family tree of the show in season 7, helping you to better understand the complex relationships better.

The Targaryen Family

Daenerys Targaryen Family Tree

The Targaryen family has always been an essential part of the show's plotline. In season 7, the story takes a turn with the introduction of the last surviving member of the Targaryen family, Daenerys Targaryen. Daenerys is the daughter of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen and is endearingly referred to as "The Mother of Dragons."

Daenerys Targaryen's family tree is complex, with many characters connected to her. In season 7, she forms an alliance with the House of Tyrell through her Hand, Ser Jorah Mormont. Daenerys also has an alliance with the Martell family through her advisor, Ellaria Sand. Tyrion Lannister is another key member of the Targaryen family in season 7 as he serves as Daenerys's Hand.

The Stark Family

Stark Family Tree Season 7

The Starks are another prominent family of GoT. With the return of their long-lost brother, Bran Stark, in season 7, the family's storyline takes a crucial turn. The Stark family tree is sprawling and intricate, with many characters connected to one another.

One key plotline in season 7 is the reunion of Sansa and Arya Stark. The sisters have been separated since season 1 and have undergone a lot of personal growth since then. Bran's return to Winterfell also leads to the revelation that Jon Snow is not Ned Stark's bastard son but his nephew, the son of his sister Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

The Lannister Family

Lannister Family Tree Season 7

The Lannister family has been an integral part of the show from the beginning. In season 7, the focus is on the Lannister siblings, Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion. Cersei is now the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and is plotting to keep her power at all costs. Jaime, her twin brother, is also by her side, but his loyalty to her is tested when he realizes the lengths she's willing to go to keep her power.

Tyrion Lannister, last surviving member of the House of Lannister, is now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen. He is a pivotal character in season 7, working to ensure that Daenerys's reign is successful.

The Greyjoy Family

Greyjoy Family Tree Season 7

The Greyjoy family is another family that has been introduced in season 7. One of the key members is Euron Greyjoy, who is the new King of the Iron Islands. Euron is a ruthless character who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

The Greyjoy family tree is not as intricate as some of the other families, but Euron's cunning and brutal nature make him a notable addition to the show's roster of characters.


Game of Thrones season 7 is a feast for lovers of complex family storylines. The show's intricate plotlines, intriguing characters, and intense drama have kept fans on the edge of their seats since its inception. The family trees of the various families featured in the show are complex, and this article aimed to provide a better understanding of them, particularly in season 7.

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