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Cs Go Vac Was Unable To Verify The Game Session

CS GO, a popular online multiplayer game worldwide, has been experiencing technical difficulties with their VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) system in Indonesia. Many players have reported encountering the error message "VAC was unable to verify the game session" while trying to play the game. This error is preventing players from joining official servers and bans them from playing in matches. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error, various solutions available, and methods for preventing it from happening in the future.

What is the VAC System in CS GO?

VAC is an anti-cheat solution developed by Valve Corporation. It is integrated into many Valve games, including CS GO. Its primary purpose is to prevent cheating by detecting and blocking third-party software that modifies the game. VAC uses various methods to detect cheats, including signature scanning, memory scanning, and behavior analysis.

To use the VAC system, players must enable it before playing the game. If they do not, they cannot join secure servers that have VAC enabled. When a player joins a VAC-enabled server, their computer's contents are scanned for any prohibited third-party software. If any are found, the player is banned from the server and, in some cases, permanently banned from the game.

Although the VAC system is not perfect, it does an excellent job of keeping the game fair and free of cheats. However, the VAC system itself can sometimes cause problems, leading to the error message "VAC was unable to verify the game session."

Causes of the "VAC Was Unable to Verify the Game Session" Error

Cs Go Vac Error

The error message "VAC was unable to verify the game session" can be caused by various problems, such as:

  • Internet Connectivity Issues: One of the most common causes of this error is an unstable or weak internet connection. When the connection drops, VAC may not be able to verify the player's game session, resulting in the error message.
  • Third-Party Software: The use of prohibited third-party software, such as cheats or hacks, can trigger VAC's detection and result in the "VAC was unable to verify the game session" error.
  • Antivirus/Firewall Software: Antivirus or firewall software can interfere with VAC's operation and prevent it from verifying the game session.
  • VAC System Maintenance: Valve periodically performs maintenance on the VAC system, which may cause the error message to appear temporarily.

Solutions for the "VAC Was Unable to Verify the Game Session" Error

Cs Go Vac Solutions

There are several solutions to the "VAC was unable to verify the game session" error, depending on the cause of the problem. Here are some of the most effective solutions:

1. Restart Steam Client and Computer

Steam Logo

The first solution is to restart the Steam client and the computer. This can help clear any temporary files or processes that may interfere with VAC's operation. After restarting, players should try joining the game again to see if the error has been resolved.

2. Check Internet Connection

Internet Connection

Another common cause of the error is an unstable or weak internet connection. Players should try restarting their routers/modems or switching to a more stable connection, such as a wired connection.

3. Check Third-Party Software

Cs Go Cheats

If players have used prohibited third-party software, such as cheats or hacks, they should remove them to avoid triggering VAC's detection. Players risk getting permanently banned from the game if they continue using cheats or hacks.

4. Disable Antivirus/Firewall Software

Antivirus Firewall

Antivirus or firewall software can interfere with VAC's operation and prevent it from verifying the game session. Players should try disabling such software temporarily to see if the error is resolved. However, players should be cautious when disabling such software, as it may expose their computers to security threats.

5. Verify Game Files

Verify Game Files

Finally, if none of the above solutions work, players should try verifying the game files. To do this, they should go to their Steam library, right-click CS GO, select Properties, click the Local Files tab, and click Verify Integrity of Game Files. This process will check the game's files and replace any missing or corrupted files.

Preventing the "VAC Was Unable to Verify the Game Session" Error in the Future

Although the error message "VAC was unable to verify the game session" can occur due to various reasons, there are steps players can take to prevent it from happening in the future. Here are some tips:

  • Always enable VAC before playing the game to avoid joining insecure servers.
  • Avoid using prohibited third-party software, such as cheats or hacks.
  • Troubleshoot any internet connectivity issues by restarting the router/modem or switching to a more stable connection.
  • Configure any antivirus or firewall software to allow VAC to operate smoothly.
  • Stay updated with any changes or maintenance that Valve performs on the VAC system.


VAC is an essential anti-cheat solution integrated into many games, including CS GO. However, it can sometimes cause problems, leading to the "VAC was unable to verify the game session" error. This error can be caused by various issues, such as internet connectivity or prohibited third-party software. Fortunately, there are solutions available to rectify the problem, such as restarting the Steam client, checking internet connectivity, disabling antivirus or firewall software temporarily, and verifying game files. To prevent this error from happening in the future, players should follow some simple tips, such as always enabling VAC, avoiding prohibited third-party software, and staying updated with any changes Valve makes to the VAC system.

Related video of CS GO VAC Was Unable to Verify the Game Session - Causes, Solutions, and Future Prevention in Indonesia