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Save Game Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2

Save Game Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition is a popular game among Indonesian gamers. This farming simulation game, first released in 2003 for PlayStation 2, has been loved by many players for its unique gameplay and charming graphics. It allows players to experience the life of a farmer, planting crops, raising livestock, and building relationships with the town's inhabitants. One of the most important things players should do is to create a save game in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition. In this article, we will guide Indonesian players on how to do it, as well as some tips and tricks to help them progress in the game.

How to Create a Save Game in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2?

Create A Save Game

To create a save game in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2, follow these steps:

  • Start the game and reach the title screen.
  • Select 'Start Game'.
  • Choose your character's gender and name.
  • Choose your dog's name.
  • Select 'Yes' to create a new game.
  • Choose your farm's name.
  • Choose the location you want to start at.
  • Select 'Yes' to confirm your choices.
  • Choose 'Save' and select an empty slot to save your game.

Once you have created a save game, you can continue playing from where you left off.

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2 Tips and Tricks

Tips And Tricks

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2 can be challenging, especially for new players. Here are some tips and tricks to help Indonesian players progress in the game:

1. Start with Easy Crops

Start With Easy Crops

When starting your farm, it's essential to plant crops that are easy to grow and maintain. Some good options include potatoes, turnips, and tomatoes. These crops require minimal care and can provide a decent profit.

2. Take Care of Your Livestock

Take Care Of Your Livestock

Animals play a vital role in Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2. Make sure to take care of your livestock by feeding them regularly, keeping them clean, and giving them proper shelter. Happy animals produce more milk, eggs, and wool, which can greatly increase your income.

3. Build Strong Relationships with the Town's Inhabitants

Build Strong Relationships With The Town'S Inhabitants

Creating strong relationships with the town's inhabitants can help you in many ways. They can provide you with useful items, such as seeds and tools, as well as valuable information on how to improve your farm. Make sure to talk to them regularly and give them presents on their birthdays and other special occasions.

4. Upgrade Your Tools

Upgrade Your Tools

Upgrading your tools can greatly increase your efficiency on the farm. Visit Saibara, the local blacksmith, to upgrade your tools. You can also purchase new tools such as a fishing rod and a watering can.

5. Participate in Festivals

Participate In Festivals

Festivals are a great way to earn money and build relationships with the town's inhabitants. Make sure to participate in all festivals and contests, and try to win as many as possible. These events can also provide you with rare items and valuable information.


Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Ps2 is a fun and challenging game that requires patience and dedication. Creating a save game is essential to progress in the game, and following these tips and tricks can greatly help Indonesian players succeed. Remember to take care of your farm, your livestock, and the town's inhabitants, and enjoy the charming world of Harvest Moon.

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