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Game Of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5

Game Of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5

The Plot

Game of Thrones season 5 episode 5, titled "Kill the Boy", starts with Daenerys Targaryen struggling to keep control over Meereen. She faces a revolt from the Sons of the Harpy, a group of masked rebels who oppose her rule. Meanwhile, Jon Snow, the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, tries to negotiate a truce with the Wildlings, and Stannis Baratheon prepares to march on Winterfell to take back the North from the Bolton family. This episode also features the return of Bran Stark, who has been absent from the show since season 4.

Daenerys' Challenge

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen is facing one of her biggest challenges in Meereen. Her initial attempts to impose her will on the city through kindness and mercy have failed, and the Sons of the Harpy are making their presence felt through acts of violence and terror. In this episode, she decides to take a more brutal approach to quell the rebellion, which leads to some difficult decisions and consequences for her and her advisors.

Jon Snow's Diplomacy

Jon Snow

Jon Snow is one of the main characters in Game of Thrones, and in this episode, he faces a daunting task: convincing his fellow Night's Watch members to make peace with the Wildlings, a group of people who have long been their enemies. His efforts to broker a deal are met with suspicion and hostility, but he refuses to give up, even when it means risking his own life. This subplot adds depth and complexity to the show's portrayal of diplomacy and conflict resolution.

The Return of Bran Stark

Bran Stark

Bran Stark is a character who has been absent from Game of Thrones since season 4. He is a warg, which means he can enter the minds of animals and control their actions. In this episode, he appears in a vision to his traveling companion, Hodor, and we learn more about his mysterious powers and his role in the bigger story. Bran's return is a welcome addition to the show, as it adds another layer of depth and intrigue to the already complex narrative.

In Conclusion

Game of Thrones season 5 episode 5 is a must-see for Indonesian fans of the show. With its engaging storylines, complex characters, and stunning visuals, it's no wonder why Game of Thrones has become a cultural phenomenon around the world. This episode in particular showcases the show's strengths in storytelling and character development, while also setting up future plotlines that will keep audiences glued to their screens. Don't miss out on this exciting installment of one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

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