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Game Of Thrones Family Tree Season 1

Game of Thrones is a popular American fantasy drama television series that has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. The series, which is based on George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels, has a complex storyline that revolves around various noble families fighting for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms.

As the series progresses, the viewer is introduced to numerous characters, their relationships, and their family trees. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Game of Thrones family tree season 1, including the major houses, their members, and their alliances.

House Stark

House Stark

House Stark is one of the most prominent houses in the Seven Kingdoms, and the main protagonists of season 1 of Game of Thrones. The head of the house is Lord Eddard Stark, also known as Ned Stark, who is the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

Ned is married to Lady Catelyn Stark, and they have five children: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. Ned also has a bastard son named Jon Snow, whom he raises alongside his legitimate children.

The Starks are known for their loyalty, honor, and honesty, which often puts them at odds with other houses that value cunning and deception.

House Lannister

House Lannister

House Lannister is one of the richest and most powerful houses in the Seven Kingdoms, and the main antagonists of season 1. The head of the house is Lord Tywin Lannister, who is the Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West.

Tywin has three children: Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion. Cersei is married to King Robert Baratheon, and she is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Jaime is a member of the Kingsguard, and Tyrion is a dwarf who is often ridiculed for his appearance.

The Lannisters are known for their wealth, power, and cunning, and they will stop at nothing to maintain their position and influence.

House Baratheon

House Baratheon

House Baratheon is one of the major houses in the Seven Kingdoms, and they currently hold the Iron Throne. The head of the house is King Robert Baratheon, who overthrew the previous Targaryen dynasty in a rebellion.

Robert is married to Cersei Lannister, but their marriage is strained, and they have three children who are actually fathered by Cersei's brother Jaime. The Baratheons are known for their strength and military prowess, and they have many loyal vassals who support them.

House Targaryen

House Targaryen

House Targaryen is the former ruling dynasty of the Seven Kingdoms, and they were overthrown by Robert Baratheon in a rebellion. The head of the house is Viserys Targaryen, who is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Viserys has a younger sister named Daenerys, who is married to Khal Drogo, a powerful warlord of the Dothraki tribe. Daenerys is pregnant with Drogo's child, and she is slowly gaining power and influence in the east.

The Targaryens are known for their silver-gold hair, violet eyes, and their ability to ride dragons. They are often seen as outsiders and are shunned by many of the other noble houses.


The Game of Thrones family tree season 1 can be confusing and overwhelming, but it is an essential part of understanding the complex storyline of the series. It is clear that the major houses are constantly vying for power and influence, which leads to many betrayals, alliances, and plot twists.

Whether you are a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the series, understanding the family trees and relationships of the major houses is crucial for fully enjoying the show.

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