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Final Episode Game Of Thrones Season 8

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Final Episode

The hit series Game of Thrones has finally come to an end with its eighth and final season. For the past decade, viewers have been enthralled by the complex and captivating storylines, the epic battles, and the incredible characters that populate the world of Westeros. The final episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 brings many storylines to a close, creating a satisfying conclusion to this beloved series.

Daenerys Targaryen's Fate

Daenerys Targaryen Game Of Thrones Season 8

At the beginning of the final episode, Daenerys Targaryen has claimed the Iron Throne and is poised to rule the Seven Kingdoms. However, Jon Snow is conflicted about her methods and her sanity. In a shocking twist, Jon stabs Daenerys in the throne room, killing her and ending her reign. This decision is not taken lightly, as Jon is banished to the Night's Watch for his actions.

The Fate of the Stark Children

Stark Children Game Of Thrones Season 8

The Stark children have been through many trials and tribulations over the course of the series. In the final episode, Sansa Stark is crowned Queen in the North, ruling over Winterfell as an independent kingdom. Arya Stark sets off on a journey to discover what is beyond the maps of Westeros, hoping to find new adventures and new lands. Bran Stark becomes the new King of the Six Kingdoms, ruling from King's Landing.

The Fate of Jon Snow

Jon Snow Game Of Thrones Season 8

After Jon Snow kills Daenerys, he is banished to the Night's Watch as punishment. However, in the final scene of the episode, we see Jon join Tormund and the wildlings as they journey north of the Wall. Jon has found a new purpose and a new home, leaving behind the politics and power struggles of Westeros.

The Aftermath

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Aftermath

The final episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 offers a glimpse into the aftermath of the series' events. Tyrion Lannister becomes Bran's Hand of the King, using his knowledge and intelligence to help rule the realm. Samwell Tarly becomes the Grand Maester, serving as a wise advisor to the new king. The various lords and ladies of Westeros gather in King's Landing to discuss the future of the realm and to pay their respects to those who have fallen in the fight for the Iron Throne.


The final episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 offers a satisfying and emotional conclusion to this beloved series. While fans may have differing opinions on the fate of their favorite characters, there is no denying the impact that Game of Thrones has had on popular culture. With its complex storytelling, stunning visuals, and unforgettable characters, Game of Thrones will remain a cultural touchstone for years to come.

Related video of The Final Episode of Game of Thrones Season 8: A Recap