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21 Questions Game To Ask A Friend

21 Questions Game To Ask A Friend In Indonesia

The 21 questions game is a classic way to get to know and connect with your friends on a deeper level. It's a simple but effective way to break the ice and have fun while learning more about each other. In this article, we will guide you through the 21 questions game to ask a friend in Indonesia.

What Is The 21 Questions Game?

21 Questions Game

The 21 questions game is a game of questions and answers between two or more people. The game starts with one person asking the other person a question, and the other person answering it truthfully. Then, the other person asks a question, and the cycle continues until 21 questions have been asked.

How To Play The 21 Questions Game?

How To Play 21 Questions Game

Playing the 21 questions game is easy. Here's how:

  1. Choose a friend.
  2. Decide who goes first.
  3. The first person asks a question, and the other person answers it truthfully.
  4. The other person asks a question, and the cycle continues until 21 questions have been asked.
  5. After 21 questions have been asked, the game ends.

21 Questions Game To Ask A Friend In Indonesia


Here are 21 questions to ask your friend in Indonesia:

  1. What is your favorite Indonesian food?
  2. What is your favorite Indonesian tradition?
  3. What is your favorite Indonesian song?
  4. What is your favorite Indonesian movie?
  5. What is your favorite Indonesian tourist destination?
  6. What is your fondest childhood memory in Indonesia?
  7. What is your favorite Indonesian festival?
  8. What is your favorite Indonesian holiday?
  9. What is your favorite Indonesian game?
  10. What is your favorite Indonesian dish to cook?
  11. What is your favorite Indonesian dessert?
  12. What is your favorite Indonesian drink?
  13. What is the most beautiful place you have visited in Indonesia?
  14. Have you ever climbed a volcano in Indonesia? If so, which one?
  15. What is your favorite Indonesian word or phrase?
  16. What is one thing you wish more people knew about Indonesia?
  17. What is the most challenging thing about living in Indonesia?
  18. What is one thing you would change about Indonesia?
  19. What is one thing you would not change about Indonesia?
  20. What is your most memorable experience in Indonesia?
  21. What is your favorite Indonesian memory with our friendship?


The 21 questions game is a great way to get to know your friends better. Through this game, you can learn more about your friend's interests, experiences, and preferences. We hope the above questions will help you to connect with your friends in Indonesia and have lots of fun.

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