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How To Play Pokemon Card Game Step By Step

Pokemon Card Game Indonesia

If you’re a fan of Pokemon, then you probably know about the Pokemon Card Game. It’s an exciting and strategic game that involves collecting and battling with Pokemon cards. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will give you a step-by-step explanation on how to play the Pokemon Card Game in Indonesia.

What You’ll Need To Get Started

Pokemon Card Game Starter Kit

Before you can start playing, you’ll need a few things:

  • A Starter Set: This set includes everything you need to start playing, including a deck of cards, a rulebook, and other accessories.
  • A Playing Surface: You can use any flat surface as your playing area, but it’s recommended to use a special Pokemon playmat to keep your cards organized.
  • A Partner: Find someone to play with you. The game can be played with two or more players.

How To Set Up Your Game

Pokemon Card Game Table Setup

Once you have everything you need, it’s time to set up your game:

  1. Choose your playing area and place your Pokemon playmat on it.
  2. Each player needs to shuffle their deck of cards and draw 7 cards. If a player doesn’t have any basic Pokemon cards in their hand, they need to shuffle and draw again until they get one.
  3. Take out 6 prize cards from your deck and place them face down on the playing area. These represent the rewards for winning the game.
  4. Choose who goes first by either flipping a coin or playing rock-paper-scissors.

How To Play The Game

How To Play Pokemon Card Game

Now that you’ve set up your game, it’s time to start playing. Here’s how:

  1. Draw a card from your deck and play it in your active area. This is your active Pokemon, and it’s the only Pokemon you can use to attack your opponent.
  2. You can also play other cards from your hand, such as Trainer cards or Energy cards. These cards can help you power up your Pokemon, heal your Pokemon, or disrupt your opponent’s strategy.
  3. Use your active Pokemon to attack your opponent’s active Pokemon. Each Pokemon has a certain amount of hit points, and if you reduce your opponent’s active Pokemon’s hit points to zero, you win a prize card.
  4. The game continues until one player has either taken all of their prize cards or has no Pokemon left in their active area.

Additional Rules To Know

Pokemon Card Game Rules

Here are some additional rules you need to know:

  • You can have up to 5 Pokemon on your bench. These are Pokemon that are not in your active area, but you can use them to switch with your active Pokemon or retreat from battle.
  • You can only play one Energy card per turn.
  • You can only use one GX attack per game. GX attacks are powerful attacks that can help you turn the tide of battle.
  • If you run out of cards in your deck, you shuffle your discard pile and use it as your new deck.


Playing the Pokemon Card Game is a fun and exciting way to connect with other Pokemon fans in Indonesia. With this guide, you now have a complete understanding of how to play the game. Remember, the key to winning is to develop a strong strategy and to always be prepared for your opponent’s next move.

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