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Game Of Thrones Season 5 Episode List

Game Of Thrones Season 5

Game of Thrones is a popular American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. The series is based on the novel A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. Game of Thrones has become a cultural phenomenon worldwide with a massive viewership in Indonesia. The fifth season of this epic series was premiered on April 12, 2015, and aired on HBO in Indonesia. In this article, we'll explore the Game of Thrones season 5 episode list and everything you need to know about the episodes.

1. The Wars to Come (Episode 1)

The Wars To Come

The Wars to Come was the first episode of the fifth season of Game of Thrones. The episode was written by series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. In this episode, Cersei and Jaime adjust to a world without Tywin. Varys reveals a conspiracy to Tyrion. Daenerys faces a new threat to her rule. Jon is caught between two kings.

2. The House of Black and White (Episode 2)

The House Of Black And White

The House of Black and White was the second episode of season 5. Directed by Michael Slovis, the episode opens with Arya arriving in Braavos and seeking out the House of Black and White. Elsewhere, Tyrion and Varys find themselves in Pentos while Cersei makes a move against the Tyrells.

3. High Sparrow (Episode 3)

High Sparrow

High Sparrow was the third episode of the season. In this episode, Arya begins her training under the tutelage of Jaqen H’ghar. Elsewhere, Cersei and Jaime try to outmaneuver the High Sparrow while the Night's Watch learns of Stannis' plans.

4. Sons of the Harpy (Episode 4)

Sons Of The Harpy

Sons of the Harpy was the fourth episode of season 5. The episode was directed by Mark Mylod, and it follows Daenerys and her attempts to keep peace in Meereen. Meanwhile, Jon travels to Hardhome with Tormund Giantsbane and other wildlings to save them from the White Walkers.

5. Kill the Boy (Episode 5)

Kill The Boy

Kill the Boy was the fifth episode of season 5. Directed by Jeremy Podeswa, this episode saw Daenerys faced with a difficult decision regarding the fate of Meereen. Meanwhile, Jon and Tormund continue their mission to bring the wildlings south of the Wall.

6. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (Episode 6)

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken was the sixth episode of season 5. Directed by Jeremy Podeswa, the episode follows Arya’s continued training in Braavos. Meanwhile, Jon Snow deals with a controversial decision while Sansa tries to make a connection with Theon.

7. The Gift (Episode 7)

The Gift

The Gift was the seventh episode of season 5. Directed by Miguel Sapochnik, this episode saw Jon Snow march towards Winterfell with the wildlings. Meanwhile, the Queen of Thorns strikes a deal with the High Sparrow and Sansa is reunited with an old ally.

8. Hardhome (Episode 8)


Hardhome was the eighth episode of season 5. Directed by Miguel Sapochnik, this episode saw enormous danger bearing down on Jon Snow and the wildlings as they continue their journey south. Meanwhile, Cersei learns a harsh lesson while Arya discovers something surprising.

9. The Dance of Dragons (Episode 9)

The Dance Of Dragons

The Dance of Dragons was the ninth episode of season 5. Directed by David Nutter, this episode saw Daenerys make a drastic decision to maintain order in Meereen. Meanwhile, Stannis faces a tough decision while Jon and the Night's Watch face their biggest challenge yet.

10. Mother’s Mercy (Episode 10)

Mother’S Mercy

Mother’s Mercy was the final episode of season 5. Directed by David Nutter, this episode saw Stannis face a difficult decision while Brienne confronts a former ally. Meanwhile, Jon Snow faces his biggest challenge yet as the series comes to a shocking conclusion.


The fifth season of Game of Thrones was full of surprises and memorable moments. From the jaw-dropping events in Hardhome to the dramatic conclusion in Mother’s Mercy, it was a season that kept audiences on the edge of their seats. Whether you're a die-hard fan or new to the series, the fifth season of Game of Thrones is a must-watch for anyone who loves epic storytelling, complex characters, and high-stakes drama.

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