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Game Of Thrones Paperback Vs Mass Market

Game of Thrones, the popular television series, has captured the hearts of millions of people around the world. It has also inspired a series of books by George R. R. Martin. Today, we will compare two popular formats of Game of Thrones books: paperback and mass market.

What is a Paperback?

A paperback is a type of book that is printed on lighter paper and has a flexible cover. Paperbacks are usually less expensive than hardcover books and are easier to carry around. They are the most popular format of books sold in bookstores.

Paperback Books

What is a Mass Market?

A mass market book is a type of paperback that is printed on even lighter paper and has a smaller size. They are less expensive than regular paperbacks and are usually sold in convenience stores, supermarkets, and newsstands. Mass markets are popular for their affordability and portability.

Mass Market Book

Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between a paperback and a mass market book depends on your personal preferences. Here are some factors to consider:


If cost is a major concern, you may want to consider a mass market book. They are usually the cheapest format of books available. However, if you are willing to spend a little more, paperbacks are still an affordable option.


If you like to carry your books around with you when you travel, a mass market book may be the best choice. They are smaller and lighter than regular paperbacks and fit easily in a purse or backpack.


If you are planning to read the book multiple times or are buying it for a library, a paperback may be a better choice. They are sturdier than mass market books and will last longer.


If you care about the appearance of your books, paperbacks are usually better looking than mass market books. They have more space for design and artwork on the cover.

Where to Buy Game of Thrones Books in Indonesia?

There are several bookstores in Indonesia where you can buy Game of Thrones books in both paperback and mass market formats. Here are some options:

  • Periplus (https://www.periplus.com/)
  • Kinokuniya (https://www.kinokuniya.co.id/)
  • Gramedia (https://www.gramedia.com/)

Periplus Indonesia
Kinokuniya Indonesia
Gramedia Indonesia


When it comes to choosing between a Game of Thrones paperback or mass market book, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. If you are on a budget or need a book that is easy to carry around, a mass market book may be the best choice. However, if you are looking for a book that will last longer or care about the appearance of your books, a paperback may be the better choice.

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