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Episode 4 Game Of Thrones Season 8

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4

The highly anticipated fourth episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 has finally arrived and it did not disappoint. After the Battle of Winterfell, the remaining characters are regrouping and preparing for the final showdown against Cersei Lannister in King's Landing. In this episode titled "The Last of the Starks," we see the aftermath of the battle and the beginning of the endgame.

The Funeral of the Fallen

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Funeral

The episode opens with a somber scene, as the remaining characters pay their respects to the fallen soldiers of the Battle of Winterfell. The scene is an emotional one, as we see many of our beloved characters saying goodbye to those they had fought alongside. The funeral pyres are a reminder of the sacrifice that was made to protect the living from the dead.

The Celebration After the Battle

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Celebration

After the funeral, the remaining characters celebrate their victory against the Night King and his army of the dead. The celebration is a much-needed break from the constant war and death that they have been facing. It's a moment of joy that is short-lived as Daenerys Targaryen and her advisors begin to plan their next move.

The Tension Between Daenerys and Sansa

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Tension

Throughout the episode, we see the tension between Daenerys and Sansa Stark rise. Sansa questions Daenerys' intentions and loyalty to the North, and Daenerys begins to feel threatened by Sansa's influence over Jon Snow. The tension between these two powerful women sets the stage for a potential conflict in the coming episodes.

The Battle for King's Landing Begins

Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Battle

The final scenes of the episode show the beginning of the battle for King's Landing. Daenerys and her remaining army set sail for the city, while Cersei and her forces prepare for the impending attack. The tension and anticipation for this final battle are higher than ever, as we wait to see who will come out on top.


Overall, "The Last of the Starks" was a satisfying episode that set the stage for the final battle for the Iron Throne. The tension between characters is at an all-time high and the stakes are higher than ever. It's clear that not all of our favorite characters will survive until the end. We can't wait to see what happens next in the world of Game of Thrones.

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